For the Peter Pan Prequel "Pan" Director: Andrew Thomas Huang and production studio: Wolf and Crow were asked to create an animation that explained the history of the world and the origins of Peter Pan.  

I was fortunate enough to be invited to contribute. I initially helped out with previs, conforming a number of shots that had been created early in pre-production and building shots that allowed them to cut together.

The visual style of this spot was constantly evolving so there ended up being a great deal of R&D,

I refined the look of the "Jitter" that was added to all the animation and wrote tools in Maya that would allow the animators to apply it procedurally.

I built the scorched wood shader, seen on most surfaces, by combining textures that artists were already painting with a wood material that was a combination of images and procedural textures.

I also executed final lighting on most of the shots and built the preset render layers we used to send all of our render elements to comp.

You can watch the entire sequence HERE.